MBA Programme is now NBA Accredited (2024-2027)
International Yoga Day
21st June, 2022
Resource Persons: Ms Madhu Smita, Ms Ruchi Agarwal, and Ms Anjalee Deshmukh - Certified Yoga trainers from Kaivalyadhama Yoga Institute, Lonavala

The event was organized and managed by NSS Unit of SVIMS.
Resource Persons: Ms Madhu Smita, Ms Ruchi Agarwal, and Ms Anjalee Deshmukh - Certified Yoga trainers from Kaivalyadhama Yoga Institute, Lonavala
Through the Yogasanas demonstrated and performed under the guidance of the Yoga experts, the students learned how to maintain correct form and posture. During Common Yoga Protocol, Ms Anjali spoke about ‘Body, Mind & Breath awareness & Stress relief’ through asanas, pranayama, and visualization, so that we develop awareness of the space between our thoughts & emotions and find a way to happiness. She encouraged the students to practice Yoga and meditation on a regular basis for a healthy body and mind. The function ended with a vote of thanks by Ms Manshree.