MBA Programme is now NBA Accredited (2024-2027)
Blood Donation Camp
A Blood Donation Camp was organized by the NSS Unit of the Institute. 30 NSS volunteers,
30 students, and 9 Staff members participated in the blood donation drive. Two doctors and
six nurses, a PRO from Inlaks Budharani Hospital Blood Bank offered their valuable services
to the camp. Mr. Rishikesh Moundekar, Solution Architect AMDOCS, Pune sought support
for this noble cause. He & his team showed a willingness to donate blood. The camp began at
9 am by formal inauguration of camp by Mr. Rishikesh Moundekar, Solution Architect
AMDOCS, Pune. Dr Ashish Jaswal-Associate Professor and Mr. Rishikesh Moundekar
donated blood at the beginning. Mr. Rishikesh encouraged all his team members to donate the
blood by saying “Gift of Blood is Gift of Life”. While addressing the first-time donors, Dr.
Jaya Kulkarni HOD, Inlaks & Budhrani Hospital Blood Bank-Inlaks Budhrani Hospital
created an awareness about shortage of blood and the need to donate blood. Donation of
blood is a great service or contribution to society as one pint can save three precious lives.
With enthusiasm donors started the process of blood donation. 40 pints of blood were
collected. The blood donors were given bananas, other fruits, tea, biscuits after blood
donation to reenergize
themselves. NSS volunteers
helped with registrations and
looking after the welfare of
the donors. Mr. Prakash-PRO,
Budharani Hospital Blood
Bank made efforts to make
this camp successful. The
camp concluded at 3 pm.