MBA Programme is now NBA Accredited (2024-2027)
Industry Visit to Lear Corporation
23rd June 2023

MBA students visited Lear Foundation situated at Chakan, Pune. The team from Lear foundation welcomed all the students and faculty members. Each department – Training, HR,Finance, Operations gave a detailed explanation to the students about the various activities and manufacturing related tasks carried out in their respective departments. The company is into manufacturing automobile accessories, especially car seats and structures. They are also going into incorporating internet and AI for car seats. Students learned that a lot of innovation, thought and execution goes behind the manufacturing of just one single car accessory- car seats.
The students were then taken around the shop floor, where they could carefully observe the manufacturing process of the car seats. This included raw material storage, manufacturing of seats and the final delivery. They could easily understand the importance of process layout,inventory management, Just-in-time process which they had studied in their coursework.Finally, the Questions of students in context of marketing of the specialized product, product innovation, costing and pricing of the product, logistics challenges, to name a few were answered by the Lear Foundation Team.
Visit to Aiotor Labs Private Limited, Pune
27th January 2023
MCA students visited Aiotor Labs Private Limited located at Magarpatta City, Hadapsar, Pune [Robotics Company] for gaining insights into the operations and processes of an IT company.
Students were divided into three groups in order to ensure a smooth industrial visit at Aiotor. The industrial visit began with a presentation of Mr. Devidas Rathod [Business Development Officer, Aiotor] who described the operations and functioning of Aiotor and the placement requirements of robotics in India.
Jitendra Kumar Yadav, the Director of Aiotor, was the next speaker. He focused on the innovative solutions and services offered by Aiotor to its customers. He also touched upon the programming requirements for robotics, which is an important aspect of the field. The company presented a robot that is capable of performing various operations through programming. They also emphasized the importance of their robotic labs, which are designed for learners of robotics. The labs are accessible through the company’s own cloud.
The session concluded with tips on how to prepare for an interview and important points to keep in mind when appearing for an interview at Aiotor. The speaker emphasized the importance of being well-prepared and informed to increase the chances of success in the interview process.
Visit to Kisanveer Satara Sahakari Sakhar Karkhana Ltd., Bhuinj, Satara
30th January, 2023
The students along with their faculty members visited “Kisanveer Satara Sahakari Sakhar Karkhana Ltd” Bhuinj, District Satara on 30th January 2023. Kisanveer Sugar Industry is a agro-based Industry in Co-operative Sector in India. This sugar factory was established in 1968 by Freedom fighter Shri. Kisan Mahadeo Veer, Senior Congress leader, and Ex- rural development Minister Shri. Prataprao Bhosale.
The students were made aware of the manufacturing process of sugar, storage, marketing, and bio-products. The manufacturing of sugar process includes the following:
Extraction: The first stage of processing is the extraction of the cane juice.
Evaporation: The factory can clean up the juice quite easily with slaked lime & Sulphur which settles out a lot of the dirt.
Boiling: The syrup is placed into a very large pan for boiling, this is the last stage. The crystals are then given a final dry with hot air before being stored ready for dispatch.
Raw Usage Storage: The final raw sugar forms a sticky brown mountain.
Sugar: After that, processed sugar gets packed and sent to Godown for storage.
In the factory, Marketing is done as per the Central Government Policy which includes release orders & free levy quota system. The sugar factory has undertaken projects for CNG Gas, a 22 Megawatts power generation plant.
After the industrial visit, all students visited Sajjan gad which is near Satara. This fort was built by Bahamani rulers between (1347-1527) and is also famous as the “Fort of Good people”. This Fort is the final resting place of Sant Ramdas and a popular place of pilgrimage. There are temples which are devoted to Lod Rama, Hanuman and Angai Devi. A total number of 18 students participated in this Industrial Visit.
World Trade Center Mumbai- ‘World Trade Expo’
13th November 2019

Sadhu Vaswani Institute of Management Studies for Girls (SVIMS) was the sole institute from Pune, chosen to represent Industry-Academia connects for World Trade Center (WTC) Pune at the World Trade Expo 2019 organized by World Trade Center Mumbai. A delegation of thirty five students accompanied by 2 faculty members and Mr. Nikhil Oswal, Head International Trade Network & Events, WTC Pune attended the Expo on the 13th November, 2019. World Trade Center Mumbai and All India Association of Industries (AIAI) organized the third edition of their flagship event ‘World Trade Expo’ on November 13-14, 2019. The Expo concluded with over 7,000 B2B meetings between MSMEs from 6 states and 30 participating countries that together contribute about 40% to world exports. In addition, SVIMS students represented WTC Mumbai, where they were bestowed with additional responsibility of conducting interviews of the participating Consulates and International traders at the 44 international Expo stalls. Interviews focused on collection of specific and specialized trade information on participating countries and industries. This data would be compiled for designing a two way trade and business penetration and access guideline for businesses in India and participating countries. The real time B2B meetings contributed in student’s acumen on the negotiation skills. Some students were assigned the task of brand ambassadors/champions for WTC Pune and ISCEA and diligently took to showcasing the agencies, spreading brand awareness, networking and collecting and compiling information for business intelligence. The practical exposure at the Trade Expo and liaising with various Consulates helped students understand International Business in a far better fashion than they would in a classroom.
Exposure to Industrial Operations at Bridgestone
7th February 2019, and 14th March, 2019
For smooth execution of the industrial visit at Bridgestone, the batch of students was divided into to 2 and the visit was conducted for each group on 2 different days. The industrial visit started with a presentation on the overview of the operations and working of Bridgestone as an organization in India, after which, our students were taken to their plant for a detailed understanding of how a Tyre is manufactured. Before stepping into the plant, firstly, it was made sure that each student had the safety gears on, and secondly, was given a brief of the terms and concepts used in the manufacturing process.
An executive from Operations was allocated the responsibility of taking the students around the plant and hence, each step was very patiently explained by that executive. He answered each small query with a logical reason and simplified the manufacturing jargon in plain understandable language. Besides, he also demonstrated how various performance charts were used for the effective functioning of the plant. Our students were also exposed to automation and lean manufacturing being used practically.

Industrial Visit to Kalyani Maxion Wheels Private Limited, Chakan, Pune
19th January, 2019
Kalyani Maxion Wheels Pvt. Ltd. is the largest Forging Company in the world. It is No.1 in manufacturing Engineering Steel and Axle Aggregates and No.1 Indian Exporter of Wheels.
Students were taken to the training Hall where a brief introduction about the company and the Chakan Unit was given by Mr. Sunil Bhatambrekar (Engineering Manager). He shared with the students how vision and leadership lead to successful enterprise with the example of the visionary leadership of Mr. B. N. Kalyani (Group Chairman). The company focuses on quality and out of 1 lakh units produced in a year only 1% goes in scrap. Ms. Shruti Dewarda working as Assistant Manager HR shared the process of hiring, training, and other important HR functions in the company.
The students visited the shop floor and witnessed that most of the operations in the manufacturing process were automated. Rules and regulations about assuring quality were also discussed with them.
The visit helped students learn the practical lessons of operations management, HR Systems, and functions, and how an idea from a visionary leader can result in a successful business.

Industrial visit to Barclays, Hinjewadi
20th November, 2018
This industrial visit exposed our students to the myriad of topics that were handled by 4 resource persons of Barclays Technological Centre. Amongst these, 2 of the resource persons were seniors in the organization, namely, Mr Gajendra, taking care of the CSR activities, and the other hand was a Team Lead, Mr. Vishal, the other two resource persons were new joiners, Mr. Sumit and Mr. Tarang who shared their work experience and professional journey up until now.
Initially, there was a discussion held on the legacy of 327 successful years of Barclays, the operations undertaken by this center and what is their contribution to the overall operations of Barclays. The students then proceeded to ask a few questions about the organizational hierarchy, recruitment policy, grievance redressal procedure, and employee engagement activities held at Barclays, which were satisfactorily answered by all 4 of them. The visit concluded with 2 of them guiding the students on interview skills basis their hands-on experiences in conducting interviews.
EATON, Pimpri, Pune
16th November 2018
Students were taken to EATON, Pimpri, Pune [A power management company supplying safe, sustainable, and energy-efficient solutions to business units in the fields of electrical, vehicle, hydraulic, health care, and mechanical sectors] to study their journey as a global leader in the power sector as also their operational processes.
Company introduction and tour was arranged by AGM, Mr. Amol Patil. Students witnessed actual manufacturing processes on the shop floor, where they were told about the various safety measures to be followed while working on machines, procedures for TQM, and the simplest techniques of project management followed by them.

Dubai Industrial Visit
8th October 2018, to 11th of October 2018
It is to broaden the outlook of students with exposure to different workforces from different industries that we had arranged industrial visits to various organizations in Dubai. However, our objective of this industrial visit extended beyond, just broadening the outlook of students, we also wanted to open new horizons for them to learn and grow. This industrial visit was planned from the 7th of October 2018 to the 13th of October 2018.
On 8th October 2018, we moved around the shopping streets in Meena Bazaar discovering the different souks and studying the market broadly as to the specialty of markets in Dubai, how there are so many things and food items made available keeping in mind the interests of Indian tourists, what are the ways of promotion that are made use of, by the sellers in Dubai.

On the 9th of October 2018, we started our day with a visit to the Dhalumal Gold Factory, located at Jewellery and Gemplex. The joint owner, Mr. Jagdish Pahuja first, briefly explained the process of designing and making the gold ornaments and then, took us through his factory explaining each process in detail, showing us how is it that the Gold is molded at each stage, helping us interact with the workers in the factory and mentioning the best practices followed in their organization. So, the designs for their jewelry are made by designers in their Mumbai office, and the gold ornaments are made in Dubai. The most important lesson we learned at this factory was, ‘to stay alert at all times.’
In the latter half of the day, we visited the Gulf Can factory. Here, again, we were first briefed about the whole process of manufacturing the cans, shown different varieties of cans and then we were divided into 3 groups, accompanied by 3 lady managers respectively, to witness the making of the cans with the help of the machines in the factory premises. The machines were laid out very neatly and safely. We observed that there were a handful of workers who were needed on the shop floor due to the whole process being automated.

A visit to the Eros Group was planned for the 10th of October 2018. Mr. Gidwani, the CEO of the Eros Group ran us through a presentation on the Eros Group. Then, we had a small interview session with him, trying to understand the nitty-gritty of his journey to Dubai and the CEO position. He largely emphasized the value of having a vision statement for every individual and the importance of operating ethically in professional and personal life.
During late afternoon hours, we called on our alumni, Ms. Pooja Ghodekar who was placed in the Eros Group, Dubai to share her insights on working in Dubai and the professional and personal life in Dubai. It was a candid conversation that we got into and she patiently answered all the queries.
On the 11th of October 2018, while moving amidst the hustle and bustle of the markets, we identified various formats of retail businesses that as discount stores, regular mom-and-pop stores, supermarkets, and category killers. Later, we headed to the Burjuman Mall and tried to study the layout of Carrefour, a hypermarket.

Barclays Global Services Centre
26th September 2018
15 of our MBA Part II students visited Barclays located in Eon IT Park, Kharadi. Firstly, Mr. S K Singh, a Java Developer gave an introduction about Barclays as an organization and how they have earned their reputation as an expert in banking. He, then, went on to conduct a session for the students on how to construct a one-pager but impressive CV and how can one perform effectively in a group discussion. To demonstrate the techniques of performing well in a group discussion, he also held a group discussion among the students. This session ended with final tips on how to prepare for an interview and points to be kept in mind before appearing for an interview.
17th March, 2018
Mahabaleshwar-Panchgani is India’s strawberry county. Over 80 percent of the country’s strawberries are grown here. In this beautiful landscape is situated the MAPRO FOODS PVT LTD. Mapro was founded in 1959, by Mr. Kishore Vora a pharmacist by profession. Mapro’s portfolio of products provides a high quotient of natural fruit in the form of jams, fruit bars and chews, syrups, crushes, squashes, and dessert toppings. The rise of modern retail has given Mapro a nationwide network. Their revenues have risen from Rs 25 crore in 2006/07 to more than Rs 500 crore in 2016/17.

Students were taken to Mapro to study their manufacturing process and witness this courageous journey of entrepreneurship. The students were shown three short videos on the history and procedure of manufacturing different types of products of the company. Then the students were guided to watch the actual manufacturing units of the company. They witnessed first-hand, state-of-the-art production facilities used by Mapro to develop, produce, package, store and sell food products, to meet and exceed customers’ expectations.
Students also visited the Mapro Gardens to savour some of their yummy products.
Sanjana Israni and Ria Mathew won gift coupons for asking intelligent questions about production related activities of Mapro. Students came back motivated on learning that entrepreneurs with a vision and commitment to customer satisfaction can be successful despite constraints…it is not without reason that Mapro has risen from a non-entity to India’s largest producer of syrup, jams etc.