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Online International Conference New Trends and Technologies in Digital Libraries
23rd September, 2021
Resource Persons: Dr. Nanaji Shewale
Dr. Nayana Wijayasundara
Mr. Manuja Karunaratne
Dr. Satish Kanamadi
Dr. Vrushali Dandawate
Dr. Vulappa Lingaiah
The conference was attended by 80 participants from within and outside India. The conference commenced with the inauguration and prayer, followed by the inspirational words of our Revered Dada JP Vaswani.
Dr. Nanaji Shewale:
He emphasized on essentials of building effective Digital Libraries such as focussing on service needs and requirements, setting up hardware/services, installing and configuring software, customizing the interface, training of the staff. Dr. Shewale gave vital insights on DSpace Open Source Software and highlighted common challenges in Digital Libraries.
Dr. Nayana Wijayasundara:
In her session, she focused on literacy and lifelong learning and their significance in the development of a country and the role of digital libraries in achieving these goals
Mr. Manuja Karunaratne
Mr. Karunaratne explained the importance of Digital library, policies, and procedures of setting up digital library, challenges of future librarians and open access software in libraries.
Dr. Satish Kanamadi:
Dr. Satish Kanamadi, spoke on author identification system, its management and enhancement of visibility. He outlined various author identification systems like Publons Researcher ID, SCOPUS, ISNI, VIVO, Google Scholar and Orchid with their individual strengths and limitations.
Dr. Vrushali Dandawate:
The speaker covered Gold Route, Green Route, Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ); Online Learning Author Aid Programme, MERLOT, Social Science Archive and Stanford list of open sources.
Dr. Vulappa Lingaiah:
Dr. Lingaiah, discussed about the various types of digital libraries such as Institutional repositories, Digital archives, meta data including the various aspects of digital reservation, copyrights and licensing. He spoke about the popular open source solutions such as D space, E – prints, Fedora.