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Dr. BabaSaheb Ambedkar Jayanti

13 April 2022

Judge: Ms. Sonali Joshi,Mrs. Vaishali Patil ,Mrs. Vaishali Patil

Event Type
Cultural - Student and Faculty driven activity
Dr. BabaSaheb Ambedkar Jayanti
Day & Date
Wednesday, 13th April 2022
12:30 to 1:00 pm
Platform and link
MS Teams –
join/19%3ameeting_ODBhMDU4YjUtN2VjMS00MTNkLTk1MWQtNjIzN jI1NTAzNDZh%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%224b3e1dad-6ba8-4747-85771 af9e5a6db67%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%22d9b65db978f5-4114-9999-f8023d35c7a0%22%7d
Video Link https://svimspuneedu 2I40cRHvutmPsaHRxkBLGafgw4KyYWQiwcqRRIzzg
No. of Participants
46 participants
Faculty – 03, Admin – 02, Students - 41 (online)

Dr. B.R. Ambedkar, popularly known as Babasaheb Ambedkar, was an economist, politician, and socialreformer who fought for the rights of the Dalit community who were considered as untouchables in that era. A principal architect of the Constitution of India, Dr. Ambedkar also advocated for women’s rights and labours’ rights. Recognized as the first Law and Justice Minister of Independent India, his contribution to construct the entire concept of Republic of India is immense. To honour his contribution and service to the country, his birthday is celebrated every year on the 14th of April. SVIMS too conducted a program to pay our tribute and respect to the great leader.
To pay tribute to Babasaheb Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar
To share about his life and contribution towards woman empowerment, promotion of education and the upliftment of the untouchables.
1 Welcome Speech by Sonali Joshi
12:30 to 12:35

2 Speech by Mrs. Vaishali Patil
12:35 to 12:45

3 Quiz by Dr. Divya Lakhani
12:45 to 12:55

4 Video on Dr. Ambedkar
12:55 to 1:15

5 Vote of Thanks by Ms. Sonali Joshi
1:15 to 1:20

Ms. Sonali Joshi welcomed all the attendees and shared a brief about the importance
of celebrating Babasaheb Ambedkar Jayanti.

 She then welcomed Mrs. Vaishali Patil to share some insights about the life and contributions of Babsaheb Ambedkar. She shared about Babasaheb's contribution to the upliftment of the underprivileged sections of the society. He drafted the Indian constitution stating equal rights to all citizens, regardless of caste, creed, religion, race, or culture. Dr. B.R. Ambedkar formed the Central Institution Bahishkrit Hitakarini Sabha to promote untouchables' basic rights and education, as well as movements to provide Dalits with access to public drinking water supplies and the right to enter Hindu temples.

 Dr. Divya Lakhani conducted a Quiz on the life of Dr. BR Ambedkar. The students
participated enthusiastically in the Quiz.

 A Video was the n played for the attendees “B R Ambedkar: वव वववववव ववववववववव वववववववव ववववववव आप वववव ववववव ववववव” ( The video brought to light various aspects of Babasaheb’s personal life, such as his hobbies, love for animals as well as his passion for doing something for the people, to give them better and a respectful life.

 The program ended with a vote of thanks by Ms. Sonali Joshi.

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