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I am a Brand

The entire session was based on the journey that a person undertakes from ‘I am unknown’ to ‘I am trustworthy.’

I am a Brand

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The entire session was based on the journey that a person undertakes from ‘I am unknown’ to ‘I am trustworthy.’ Ms Rekha Nair deep dived into how a person can take on this journey to be able to successfully build trust for himself/herself. In her opinion, building a personal brand equals to building trust, influence and opportunities for oneself.

Any person who has a purpose, a vision and a dream to achieve should get on to building a personal brand and thus, the age, the gender or success achieved does not matter when starting to do so. The core of Personal branding, she said lies in this statement of: People May forget what you did but they will not forget how you made them feel.

The triangle of Personal branding that she explained consists of: The person-The brand he/she wants to build-The Audience. The person represents the credibility and authenticity, the brand represents the Unique Value offering and the audience represents the emotional connection a person builds. She concluded the session with explaining the essential building blocks of Personal Branding which are:

  • Purpose and Vision

  • Values and beliefs

  • Unique value proposition

  • Goals and audience

  • Brand story

  • Online and offline strategy

  • Skills and sustainable interests

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