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What Employers Expect from Management Students

Resource Person: Mrs. Chhaya Saigal

What Employers Expect from Management Students

Mrs. Sehgal was categorical in mentioning that the MBA graduates need to brace up to new working conditions and equip themselves with skills aligned to the new work set up. She placed emphasis on:

Ability to work in Agile Teams; having Soft skills – team building, communication skills; being adaptable to the digital world.

The challenge will lie not in developing ability to do routine jobs [ these will be and are being taken up by AI and ML] but rather using judgement to tide over challenging situations thrown up by people, processes and technology.

She also felt that the industry requires employees who have competence in all fields, is an all-rounder rather than just a specialist in Finance, HR or Marketing. Furthermore the youth must come prepared to collaborate rather than compete. Such individuals must bring in an entrepreneurial mindset, be innovative and seek solutions. Build relevance for oneself by finding solutions to problems where there are no apparent solutions; learn to persevere and learn to be fast. Today the race is not about being big against the small, rather it is being fast over the slow.  Further she emphasised the need to be humble, disciplined  and a learning individual  with ethics. Developing critical thinking, competence and character is crucial to help one tide over the VUCA world.

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